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2721 results for “ ”

1601 - 1700 of 2721 Adverts

Lyman Reloading Press Kit – Crusher 11 Expert with 500 Scale

Lyman Reloading Press Kit – Crusher 11 Expert with 500 Scale
This reloading press kit from Lyman includes an array of top quality reloading equipment in one package. This complete selction of the best reloading tools in one kit includes Lyman Pro 500 reloading scales and Lymans famous #55 powder measure. This ...

Lyman Reloading Data Log

Lyman Reloading Data Log
Lyman Reloading Data Log 50 pages to allow you to record all your reloading data on your current bullet loads etc More Information HERE

Lyman Pro 500 Reloading Scale

Lyman Pro 500 Reloading Scale
The Lyman Pro 500 features extra large leveling wheel dual agate bearings and large dampener. Zeros in seconds. Accurate to 1/10 grain. 505 grain capacity. The Pro 1000 has the same features as the Pro 500 but measures up to 1005 grains. Includes sca...

Lyman Pro 1200 Case Tumbler ONLY £94.95 220v

Lyman Pro 1200 Case Tumbler ONLY £94.95 220v
220 VOLT The world’s most popular brass cleaning and polishing system the Lyman Pro 1200 case tumbler . Nearly twice as fast as old-style rotating-barrel tumblers their unique design allows case media to constantly swirl around fully immersed cases. ...

Lyman Primer Pocket Uniformer

Lyman Primer Pocket Uniformer
This precision tool (Lyman Primer Pocket Uniformer) allows reloaders to assure uniform primer depth which produces consistent ignition and improves accuracy. Uniforming tool has a pre-set stop collar set to SAAMI specs. Reloader simply inserts and tu...

Lyman Primer Pocket Reamer

Lyman Primer Pocket Reamer
Removes military crimps and rough metal edges from a primer pocket. Essential accessory tool. Comes with cushioned handle Available in large or small sizes. Size Small LargeMore Information HERE

Lyman Primer Pocket Cleaner

Lyman Primer Pocket Cleaner
Available in Large or Small This devices allows you to clean primer pockets and promotes uniform primer seating. The Lyman primer pocket also cleans fouling from primer pocket bottoms. Size Small LargeMore Information HERE

Lyman Primer Flipper

Lyman Primer Flipper
The Lyman Primer Flipper is designed to eliminate the reloader having to turn the primers the correct side up. It is great when using an automatic feed and pick up system. More Information HERE

Lyman Press Kit – T Mag Expert Kit

Lyman Press Kit – T Mag Expert Kit
Place on B/O NOW – DELIVERY WILL BE 4-5 WEEKS DEPENDING ON AVAILABILITY Reloading Press Kit from Lyman ! Lyman’s popular Expert Kit has always been the one kit with a complete selection of top quality equipment – including the Universal Case Trimmer....

Lyman Press Kit – T Mag Deluxe Expert Kit

Lyman Press Kit – T Mag Deluxe Expert Kit
Place on B/O NOW – DELIVERY WILL BE 4-5 WEEKS DEPENDING ON AVAILABILITY Deluxe Reloading Press Kit from Lyman ! The Lyman T Mag Expert Deluxe Kit is one of the best reloading kits on the market today. It has upgraded from its predecessor as it now in...

Lyman Press – Lyman Crusher 2 Reloading Press

Lyman Press – Lyman Crusher 2 Reloading Press
The big O frame of the Crusher II press can handle the toughest reloading jobs and the largest magnums with ease. Our new Crusher II is the ideal press for reloading both rifle and pistol cartridges. The Crusher starts with a 1″ diameter ram compound...

Lyman Powder Pal Funnel Pan

Lyman Powder Pal Funnel Pan
A new innovative product for the reloader. The New One Piece Combination “Powder Pal” Funnel Pan. This unique Funnel Pan saves time by saving one step during reloading. It is no longer necessary to put the funnel on the cartridge case and pour the po...

Lyman No. 55 Powder measure

Lyman No. 55 Powder measure
This powder measure dispenses charge after charge of powder with consistent accuracy to a fraction of a grain. The key to unfailing precision is the 55’s unique three slide adjustable cavity. Extra fine adjustments of width and depth provide consiste...

Lyman Neck Turning Outside Tool 6 Mandrels

Lyman Neck Turning Outside Tool 6 Mandrels
Please note requires use of either a Lyman Accutimmer or Universal Trimmer as an extra Designed for Lyman’s Universal Trimmer and AccuTrimmer. Provides the user with a simple-to-operate tool that guarantees neck wall thickness and outside neck diamet...

Lyman Micro Touch 1500 Reloading Scale

Lyman Micro Touch 1500 Reloading Scale
Lyman’s smallest electronic scale the Lyman Micro-Touch 1500 has all the features of much larger models combined with state-of-the-art touch screen controls. Just 3.25″ wide by 5.375″ long and 1.25″ tall with the dust cover in place. This scale has a...

Lyman Gen 6 Touch Screen Compact Powder Measure Dispenser System

Lyman Gen 6 Touch Screen Compact Powder Measure Dispenser System
The Brand New Lyman Generation 6 Compact Touch Screen Powder Measure Dispenser is a compact Gen6 design takes up a minimum amount of bench space and offers unrestricted pan and touch screen access for both right and left hand users. The Lyman Gen 6 i...

Lyman Gen 5 Precision Electronic Powder Scales / Dispenser

Lyman Gen 5 Precision Electronic Powder Scales / Dispenser
New digital technology Accurate to one tenth grain the GEN5 dispenses all types of smokeless powder at two grains per second. In addition it features an auto repeat function that drops a precise charge each time the pan is reset. Based on totally new...

Lyman Full Length Reloading Dies

Lyman Full Length Reloading Dies
Lyman precision rifle dies are manufactured on state of the art computer controlled equipment insuring that each die is chambered perfectly and has a super smooth micro finish. Each sizing reloading die for bottlenecked rifle cartridges is then caref...

Lyman Flash Hole UniFormer / Deburr Tool

Lyman Flash Hole UniFormer / Deburr Tool
Increase ignition consistency Reduce variation from case Any cases 22 caliber to 45 caliber This handy tool removes internal flash hole burrs. Features a tool steel cutter which is inserted into the flash hole through the case neck. Adjustable stop c...

Lyman E-Zee Trim Hand Case Trimmer Rifle or Pistol

Lyman E-Zee Trim Hand Case Trimmer Rifle or Pistol
The industry leader in trimming and case prep innovation Lyman introduces a new case trimming system for the reloader interested in economy or preferring to have an individual precision hand system for each caliber. The E-ZEE TRIM case trimming syste...

Lyman E-Zee Funnel

Lyman E-Zee Funnel
The Lyman E-ZEE powder funnel features a unique powder nozzle allowing it to work with a huge variety of cartridge cases. More Information HERE

Lyman Electronic Trigger Pull Gauge

Lyman Electronic Trigger Pull Gauge
Lyman Electronic Trigger Pull Gauge The new Lyman Trigger Pull Gauge is designed to be the fastest and most accurate Trigger Pull Gauge available on the market.Unlike other gauges there are no weights or sliding pointers to contend with. Simply place...

Lyman De-burring Tool

Lyman De-burring Tool
Bevels and removes burrs from both inside and outside of case mouth. Precision machined and hardened it fits all cases from .17 to .45 caliber. (2 oz.) More Information HERE

Lyman Crusher Pro 2 Expert Reloading Press Kit

Lyman Crusher Pro 2 Expert Reloading Press Kit
Place on B/O NOW – DELIVERY WILL BE 4-5 WEEKS DEPENDING ON AVAILABILITY This value-packed reloading package features our Crusher II plus the basic reloading tools at a price that is little more than many presses alone. Reloading Press Kit – Lyman Cru...

Lyman Chamfer / Debur Tool for Trimmer

Lyman Chamfer / Debur Tool for Trimmer
The Lyman Chamfer / Debur tool is designed to be used as a chamfer and a case debur tool for Lyman case trimmers. More Information HERE

Lyman Ceramic Tumbler Media – 1.75 Pound Box

Lyman Ceramic Tumbler Media – 1.75 Pound Box
Ceramic media is used when coating bullets with moly. This kit is designed to be replacement media for Lyman’s Moly Bullet Finishing Kit. Technical Information Material: Ceramic Weight: 1.75 lbs Use: Same media used with the Lyman Super Moly Bullet F...

Lyman Case Preparation Kit

Lyman Case Preparation Kit
Everything needed for case prep-in one kit Perfect accessory to your tumbler or case trimmer. It contains everything you need to properly complete case preparation: large and small primer pocket reamer for military brass large and small primer pocket...

Lyman Case Prep Multitool

Lyman Case Prep Multitool
The Lyman Case Prep Multi-Tool is a unique case prep tool that provides the reloader with all the important case prep accessories in one compact double-ended storage tool. This makes it a perfect hand held tool that will chamfer for very low drag bul...

Lyman Case Prep Express Center

Lyman Case Prep Express Center
The Lyman Case Prep Xpress Case Prep Center is the only “All-Inclusive” system on the market providing all of the necessary accessories from the beginning. The five gear driven heads on the unit are driven by a high torque motor so all the reloader h...

Lyman Case Lube Kit

Lyman Case Lube Kit
The Lyman Case Lube Kit has everything needed to clean and lube cases inside and out in one package. Large cloth lubricating pad in plastic case dispenses lube evenly. Includes 2 oz. of Lyman Case Lube 3 interchangeable neck brushes and wooden handle...

Lyman Case Loading Block

Lyman Case Loading Block
Essential accessory for organization and speed twin loading block holds 50 rifle or pistol cases .22 through .45 caliber. Molded of heavy duty plastic. More Information HERE

Lyman Case Care Kit

Lyman Case Care Kit
The Lyman Case Care Kit combines many of Lymans most popular case prep items into one package. The utility crank and adaptor (8-32 thread) large and small primer pocket reamers and cleaners inside / outside deburring tool ream / cleaner adapter case ...

Lyman AccuTrimmer Kit Case Trimming Kit

Lyman AccuTrimmer Kit Case Trimming Kit
Trims Cases from .17 through to .458 Win Mag Uses standard Shellholders Comes with 9 pilot multi pack The Lyman Accu trimmer is a great value case trimming kit with a selection of 9 standard calibre pilots. More Information HERE

Lyman Accu Touch 2000 Electronic Touch Compact Reloading Scales

Lyman Accu Touch 2000 Electronic Touch Compact Reloading Scales
The Lyman Accu-Touch 2000 Electronic reloading scale from Lyman Reloading offers many revolutionary features. It comes with a removeable powder trickler that can be mounted on the scale in a right or left-hand position. Unlike most competitive scales...

Lyman 49th Edition Reloading Handbook

Lyman 49th Edition Reloading Handbook
Lyman 49th Edition Reloading Handbook Lyman’s new 49th Edition Reloading Handbook is the latest version of their extremely popular rifle and pistol manual. The 49th Edition covers all popular new rifle calibers such as the 204 Ruger 6.8 Rem SPC 325 W...

Lyman 2500 Pro Magnum Tumbler 220v AUTOFLO

Lyman 2500 Pro Magnum Tumbler 220v AUTOFLO
220 VOLT The Lyman 2500 Pro Magnum Case Tumbler is perfect for a high volume reloader. The massive 13″ bowl has a two gallon capacity which is large enough to tumble 1000 38 Special cases with 7 lbs of media. The time tested and proven heavy duty mot...

Lightforce Rifle Scope Mounted RMSM170 Light Hunting Lamp

Lightforce Rifle Scope Mounted RMSM170 Light Hunting Lamp
Lightforce Rifle Scope Mounted RMSM170 Light Hunting Lamp Includes 1 inch and 30mm scope mount system This is for the Lightforce Scope Mounted RMSM170 – 170mm hunting lamp. – Standard power The Lightforce range of high output night shooting lamps are...

Lightforce Rifle Scope Mounted RMSM140 Lance Hunting Lamp

Lightforce Rifle Scope Mounted RMSM140 Lance Hunting Lamp
Lightforce Rifle Scope Mounted RMSM140 Lance Hunting Lamp Includes 1 inch and 30mm scope mount system This is for the Lightforce Scope Mounted RMSM140 – 140mm hunting lamp. – Standard power The Lightforce range of high output night shooting lamps are...

Lightforce Handheld Standard Power Hunting Lamp

Lightforce Handheld Standard Power Hunting Lamp
Lightforce Handheld Standard Power Hunting Lamp The available lamps are as follows Lightforce SL140 Lance Lightforce SL170 Striker Lightforce SL240 Blitz Lightforce SL140 Lance It may be small but the 140 LANCE™ can be a wise choice! If you need high...

Leupold Steel RingMount for Sako -30mm or 1 inch Scope Rings

Leupold Steel RingMount for Sako -30mm or 1 inch Scope Rings
Available in 1 inch Medium High or Super High and 30mm Medium High or Super High Will fit straight onto Sako Dovetails Leupold Ring Mounts are used as a high-quality alternative to ringmounts sold by firearms manufacturers and as a no-tap mounting me...

Leupold Steel RingMount for BRNO CZ550 -30mm or 1 inch Scope Rings

Leupold Steel RingMount for BRNO CZ550 -30mm or 1 inch Scope Rings
Available in 1 inch Medium or High and 30mm Medium or High Will fit CZ550 or Brno Receivers-short /long or magnum actions Recoil Lug Extension Leupold Ring Mounts are used as a high-quality alternative to ringmounts sold by firearms manufacturers and...

Leupold Steel RingMount for BRNO CZ527 -30mm or 1 inch Scope Rings

Leupold Steel RingMount for BRNO CZ527 -30mm or 1 inch Scope Rings
Available in 1 inch Medium or High and 30mm Medium or High Leupold Ring Mounts are used as a high-quality alternative to ringmounts sold by firearms manufacturers and as a no-tap mounting method. Because these rings are machined from solid steel they...

Leupold Steel RingMount 30mm or 1 inch for Ruger No:1 / 77-22 or Ruger M77 Scope Rings

Leupold Steel RingMount 30mm or 1 inch for Ruger No:1 / 77-22 or Ruger M77 Scope Rings
Available in Ruger No1 / 77-22 1 inch High or 30mm High Available in Ruger M77 1 inch Medium or Super – High 30mm Medium or Super High Leupold Ring Mounts are used as a high-quality alternative to ringmounts sold by firearms manufacturers and as a no...

Leupold Std 30mm Scope Rings

Leupold Std 30mm Scope Rings
Machined Steel Rings Windage Adjustable Fits 1 or 2 Piece Bases Heights from where it touches the top of the base to underside of the scope Low 1.4mm Medium 4.55mm High 7.8mm Super high 10.5mm Mount Height Extended High Extended Medium High Low Mediu...

Leupold Standard 1 Piece Rifle Base

Leupold Standard 1 Piece Rifle Base
Leupold Standard 1 Piece rifle bases to fit - Browning Bar – Browning BLR – Marlin 336 – Rem 700 – Rem 7400 / 7600 Machined steel construction Versatile Available for many different rifles Forward part of the base accepts a dovetail rings locking it ...

Leupold Standard 1 Inch Scope Rings

Leupold Standard 1 Inch Scope Rings
Machined Steel Rings Windage Adjustable Fits 1 or 2 Piece Bases AVAILABLE IN STD OR EXTENDED Mount Height Extended High Extended Medium High High Gloss Low Medium Super High Super Low X High XX HighMore Information HERE

Leupold Scopesmith Lens Pen

Leupold Scopesmith Lens Pen
Leupold Scopesmith Lens Pen MICRIFIBRE CLEANING TIP Safely cleans lens surfaces Retractable Soft Brush Non Liquid Cleaning Compound More Information HERE

Leupold Ruger 10/22 STEEL 1 Piece Rifle Base

Leupold Ruger 10/22 STEEL 1 Piece Rifle Base
STEEL – Extremely solid mounting system for the Ruger 10/22 series of Rifles Takes all Leupold Std Rings in 1 inch26mm30mm. LP49994 Supplied with 3 Torx Screws. More Information HERE

Leupold Rimfire 1 inch Steel 11mm 3/8 / 13mm Scope Ring Mounts

Leupold Rimfire 1 inch Steel 11mm 3/8 / 13mm Scope Ring Mounts
1 inch Machined Steel Closely Matched Tolerances Gloss Blue Available for 11mm 3/8″ 13mm Mount Height High Medium Width 11mm 13mm 3/8″More Information HERE

Leupold QRW 30mm Rifle Scope Mount Rings

Leupold QRW 30mm Rifle Scope Mount Rings
Leupold QRW 30mm Scope Rings are the best quality steel quick release weaver type mounts with return to zero design. The Leupold QRW Scope Rings come with Torx screw heads for maximum security. Available in Low medium or high and in black or silver f...

Leupold QRW 1 inch Rifle Scope Rings

Leupold QRW 1 inch Rifle Scope Rings
Leupold QRW 1″ Scope Rings are the best quality steel quick release weaver type mounts with return to zero design. The Leupold QRW Scope Rings come with Torx screw heads for maximum security. Available in Low medium or high and in black or silver fin...

Leupold QRW / PRW 2 Piece Rifle Scope Bases

Leupold QRW / PRW 2 Piece Rifle Scope Bases
Made from STEEL Available for listed rifles. (Please select) Can be used in conjunction with any WEAVER Type Ring QRW/PRW Model Browning A Bolt Browning A Bolt Matte Browning A Bolt Silver Remington 541 Remington 700 Remington 700 Matte Remington 700...

Leupold QR Two Piece Rifle Base

Leupold QR Two Piece Rifle Base
Machined Steel Construction Exact Manufacturing Tolerances Remove and Reattach Scope with Minimal Loss of ZERO Click on item to view different model types. Antonii Zoli: LP51344 Browning: LP51223….BAR Matte. LP50057….A-Bolt Matte CVA&Traditions P...

Leupold QR Two Piece Base for Sako

Leupold QR Two Piece Base for Sako
Machined Steel Construction Exact Manufacturing Tolerances Remove and Reattach Scope with Minimal Loss of ZERO Available in Gloss Matte or Silver Model Type LP53064..Gloss LP53066..Matte LP53068..SilverMore Information HERE

Leupold QR Quick Release 2 piece Base Browning X Bolt

Leupold QR Quick Release 2 piece Base Browning X Bolt
Machined Steel Construction Exact Manufacturing Tolerances Remove and Reattach Scope with Minimal Loss of ZERO Available in Matte More Information HERE

Leupold QR One Piece Rifle Base

Leupold QR One Piece Rifle Base
Machined Steel Construction Exact Manufacturing Tolerances Remove and Reattach Scope with Minimal Loss of ZERO Click on item to view different model types – to choose the model you after Leupold QR One Piece Base to fit. Browning: LP51249….BAR Gloss....

Leupold PRW 30mm Fixed Scope Rings / Scope Mounts

Leupold PRW 30mm Fixed Scope Rings / Scope Mounts
Use the Leupold PRW 30mm rings as a high-quality alternative to ringmounts sold by firearms manufacturers. Leupold PRW 30mm rings are machined from solid steel they offer superior integrity and tighter tolerances that are based on the proven cross-sl...

Leupold PRW 1 inch Fixed Scope Rings / Scope Mounts

Leupold PRW 1 inch Fixed Scope Rings / Scope Mounts
Use the Leupold PRW 1 inch rings as a high-quality alternative to ringmounts sold by firearms manufacturers. Leupold PRW 1 inch rings are machined from solid steel they offer superior integrity and tighter tolerances that are based on the proven cros...

Leupold Mark 4 34mm Tactical Scope Rings

Leupold Mark 4 34mm Tactical Scope Rings
These rings are machined from solid steel they offer superior integrity and tighter tolerances that are based on the proven cross-slot design.Use Leupold PRW bases or any other Picatinny-style mount rails Features 34mm Torx Cap Screws Mil Spec Side T...

Leupold Alumina Threaded Lens Cap

Leupold Alumina Threaded Lens Cap
Leupold Alumina Threaded Lens Cap Please make clear in message box which you require Available only in Ultra Light - Threaded lens cover provides simple and rugged protection – Threads on and off in seconds – Constructed of durable aircraft grade alu...

Leupold Alumina Sunshades

Leupold Alumina Sunshades
Leupold Alumina Sunshades The 2.5″ lens shades can be threaded together to create custom lengths. Models to fit post-2004 scopes are available for the following models. 50mm fits 2004 and newer 50mm objective scopes except LPS® and VX-L® 40mm fits 20...

Leupold Alumina Rubber Eyepiece Guard

Leupold Alumina Rubber Eyepiece Guard
Leupold Alumina Rubber Eyepiece Guard ONLY ONE AVAILABLE (58965) STANDARD Leupold Alumina Rubber Eyepiece Guard adds a soft finishing touch to the eyepiece of your scope to protect you from recoil during extreme uphill shooting angles and from heavy ...

Leupold Alumina Objective Flip Back Lens Cover

Leupold Alumina Objective Flip Back Lens Cover
Leupold Alumina Objective Flip Back Lens Cover Leupold Alumina flip-back lens covers – feature powerful neodymium magnets to hold them securely closed and triple O-ring seals for maximum protection from the elements. Their machined-aluminum precision...

Leupold Alumina Eye Piece Flip Back Lens Cover

Leupold Alumina Eye Piece Flip Back Lens Cover
Leupold Alumina Eye Piece Flip Back Lens Cover Leupold Alumina flip-back lens covers – feature powerful neodymium magnets to hold them securely closed and triple O-ring seals for maximum protection from the elements. Their machined-aluminum precision...

Leupold Alumina 50ft Focus Adapter

Leupold Alumina 50ft Focus Adapter
Leupold Alumina 50ft Focus Adapter Excellent for gallery shooting it fits post-2004 40mm adjustable objective scopes. - When the conditions are not perfect thread on the appropriate Alumina accessory and change the way you look at the world. – If it’...

Leupold 30mm QR Scope Rings

Leupold 30mm QR Scope Rings
Fit Leupold QR One or Two Piece Rifle Bases Machined Steel Construction Exact Manufacturing Tolerances Remove and Reattach Scope with Minimal Loss of ZERO Mount Height Extended High High Low Medium Super HighMore Information HERE

Leupold 2 Piece Standard Rifle Base

Leupold 2 Piece Standard Rifle Base

Leupold 1 inch QR Scope Rings

Leupold 1 inch QR Scope Rings
Leupold QR 1 inch Scope Rings to fit Leupold QR One or Two Piece Rifle Bases Machined Steel Construction Exact Manufacturing Tolerances Remove and Reattach Scope with Minimal Loss of ZERO Mount Height High Low Medium Medium Silver Super High Super Lo...

Leupold 1 inch PRW Fixed Scope Rings / Scope Mounts

Leupold 1 inch PRW Fixed Scope Rings / Scope Mounts
Steel Rings that fit Leupold QRW or PRW bases or any other Weaver/Picatiny Mounting Rail The Leupold 1 inch PRW Fixed Scope Rings secure directly to the Leupold Permanent Weaver style bases with two screws for rock solid dependabilityfor when a cross...

Leica Rangemaster CRF1000-R Laser Rangefinder

Leica Rangemaster CRF1000-R Laser Rangefinder
Leica Rangemaster CRF1000-R Laser Rangefinder Email [email protected] or phone 01803 392306 for availibility. The Leica Rangemaster CRF1000-R is the ideal entry-level rangefinder for discerning beginners. The wide field of view makes target...

Leica Geovid 8×42 HD-B Laser Rangefinding Binoculars

Leica Geovid 8×42 HD-B Laser Rangefinding Binoculars
Leica Geovid 8×42 HD-B Laser Rangefinding Binoculars NOW IN STOCK & READY TO BE SHIPPED The overall concept of the new Geovid HD-B brings about a revolution in rangefinding. Unique to these rangefinding binoculars is the supreme optical performan...

Leica Geovid 10×42 HD-B Laser Rangefinding Binoculars

Leica Geovid 10×42 HD-B Laser Rangefinding Binoculars
Leica Geovid 10×42 HD-B Laser Rangefinding Binoculars NOW IN STOCK & READY TO BE SHIPPED The overall concept of the new Geovid HD-B brings about a revolution in rangefinding. Unique to these rangefinding binoculars is the supreme optical performa...

Leica Ever Ready Case For Apo Televid Spotting Scope with Cordura Shoulder Strap

Leica Ever Ready Case For Apo Televid Spotting Scope with Cordura Shoulder Strap
Leica Ever Ready Case For Apo Televid Spotting Scope with Cordura Shoulder Strap Please Enquiry for stock or availibility as delivery can be up to 4-5 weeks Leica’s “Ever Ready Case” is the perfect carry case to accompany and protect your Leica APO T...

Leica APO Televid 85 with 25×50 x WW ASPH Eyepiece

Leica APO Televid 85 with 25×50 x WW ASPH Eyepiece
Leica APO Televid 85 with 25×50 x WW ASPH Eyepiece Please Enquiry for stock or availibility as delivery can be up to 4-5 weeks Available in Straight Viewing or Angled Viewing The Leica APO-Televid 82 is distinguished by its excellent optical characte...

Leica APO Televid 85 – Excludes Eyepiece

Leica APO Televid 85 – Excludes Eyepiece
Leica APO Televid 85 – Excludes Eyepiece Please Enquiry for stock or availibility as delivery can be up to 4-5 weeks Available in Straight Viewing or Angled Viewing The Leica APO-Televid 82 is distinguished by its excellent optical characteristics. W...

Leica APO Televid 65 – Includes 25×50 x WW ASPH Wide Angle Eyepiece

Leica APO Televid 65 – Includes 25×50 x WW ASPH Wide Angle Eyepiece
Leica APO Televid 65 – Includes 25×50 x WW ASPH Wide Angle Eyepiece Please Enquiry for stock or availibility as delivery can be up to 4-5 weeks Available in Straight Viewing or Angled Viewing Especially when viewing in daylight the fluoride lens opti...

Leica APO Televid 65 – Excludes Eyepiece

Leica APO Televid 65 – Excludes Eyepiece
Leica APO Televid 65 – Excludes Eyepiece Please Enquiry for stock or availibility as delivery can be up to 4-5 weeks Available in Straight Viewing or Angled Viewing Especially when viewing in daylight the fluoride lens optics of the Leica APO-Televid...

Leica 25×50 x WW ASPH – Wide Angle Zoom Eyepiece

Leica 25×50 x WW ASPH – Wide Angle Zoom Eyepiece
Leica 25×50 x WW ASPH – Wide Angle Zoom Eyepiece Please Enquiry for stock or availibility as delivery can be up to 4-5 weeks 25 – 50x WW ASPH. wide-angle zoom eyepiece Its performance characteristics speak for themselves: 25-50× WW ASPH. with a subje...

Lee Zip Trim Case Trimmer 3 Jaw Chuck Case Holder

Lee Zip Trim Case Trimmer 3 Jaw Chuck Case Holder
The Lee Zip Trim Case Trimmer Universal 3 Jaw Chuck Case Holder is made with 3 hardened steel jaws that center each piece of brass while the spindle is squaring up brass. Will work with the tiny 25 ACP case to the Largest Belted Magnum. Technical Inf...

Lee Value Trim Case Trimmer

Lee Value Trim Case Trimmer
The Lee Value Trim Case Trimmer takes hand reloading to the next level of quick and accurate case trimming. Designed to precisely trim brass to the correct length. The reloaderonly needs to purchase the correct quick trim die for their caliber and th...

Lee Universal Powder Charging Reloading Die – 90273

Lee Universal Powder Charging Reloading Die – 90273
Use the Universal Powder Charging Die with the Lee perfect Powder Measure to automatically charge cases. Includes connecting rod and adapters to actuate the measure with the case. Drop tubes for most rifle and pistol cartridges. Rifle Cases – 218B – ...

Lee Ultimate 4 Die Rifle Reloading Die Set

Lee Ultimate 4 Die Rifle Reloading Die Set
Choose a Lee Ultimate 4 Die Reloading Set for maximum versatility. The Lee Ultimate 4 die reloading die set includes a full length resizing die to return brass to factory new dimensions perfect for reloading brass fired in other guns. A collet neck s...

Lee Turret Press 4 Hole Quick Change Turret For Lee Reloading Press

Lee Turret Press 4 Hole Quick Change Turret For Lee Reloading Press
Lee Reloading Press Accessory Lee Aluminum 4-hole Turret for quick caliber change for the Lee 4-Hole Turret Press and Lee Classic Turret Press. Allows for quick caliber change Used with Lee 4 Hole Turret Reloading Press and Lee Classic Turret Reloadi...

Lee Shooters Program – Reloading data

Lee Shooters Program – Reloading data
Lee Shooters Program – Reloading data Don Dorn’s Shooter Program is back! Still the easiest to use with great new features such as a target generator and a library of on-screen reloading data manuals. Some charge as much for a target generator as we ...

Lee Set of 24 Shot Powder Bushings in Plastic Storage Box

Lee Set of 24 Shot Powder Bushings in Plastic Storage Box
THIS IS A SPECIAL ORDER PURCHASE – DELIVERY WILL BE 4-5 WEEKS DEPENDING ON AVAILABILITY Replacement set of 24 Shot and Powder Bushings in Plastic Storage Box More Information HERE

Lee Safety Powder Scale

Lee Safety Powder Scale
The Lee Safety Powder Scale is designed so that it will never need adjustment. The beam is made from a very tough phenolic metal alloy base. Phenolic is the same type material used on table and counter tops. Phenolic is tough and it can’t be bent. Ev...

Lee Rifle Quick Trim Reloading Die

Lee Rifle Quick Trim Reloading Die
The Lee Precision Quick Trim Die is used in conjunction with the Lee Precision Deluxe Quick Trim Case Trimmer and Lee Precision Value Trim Case Trimmer. Lee Precision Deluxe Quick Trim Case Trimmer When installed in a press like the Lee Precision Bre...

Lee Rifle Charging Die – 90194

Lee Rifle Charging Die – 90194
Lee Rifle Charging Die charges small capacity rifle cases when used with the Auto Disk Powder Measure or Pro Auto Disk Powder Measure. It works the same as the pistol powder through expanding die except it doesn`t expand the case mouth. Rifle case ex...

Lee Reloading Zip Trim Case Trimmer Power Head

Lee Reloading Zip Trim Case Trimmer Power Head
The Lee Zip Trim is a quick and economical way to keep cases trimmed within SAAMI specification. Simply pull the recoil cord and the case is spun allowing the case to be quickly trimmed chamfered and polished. As the rpm increases at the end of each ...

Lee Reloading Stand – For Mounting Lee Reloading Press

Lee Reloading Stand – For Mounting Lee Reloading Press
Introducing the Lee Reloading Stand perfect for the reloader with limited working space an overwhelmed workbench or someone looking for solution to portable reloading needs. The sturdy powder coated steel stand places your press at the perfect counte...

Lee Reloading Cutter with Ball Grip

Lee Reloading Cutter with Ball Grip
The Lee cutter with Oversize ball grip makes trimming Cases a much easier process More Information HERE

Lee Reloading Case Conditioning Kit

Lee Reloading Case Conditioning Kit
Lee Precision has been making high quality affordable reloading equipment since 1958. The Lee Case Conditioning Kit is no exception. The kit comes with a chamfer and deburring tool primer pocket cleaner that works on small and large primer pockets an...

Lee Pro 1000 Load-Master Progressive Press Case Collator

Lee Pro 1000 Load-Master Progressive Press Case Collator
The Lee Reloading Case Collator fits on top of the Case Feeder makes filling the tubes faster on the Pro1000 and Load-Master Presses. Does not include the case feed tubes. More Information HERE

Lee Pro 1000 and Turret Press 3 Hole Quick Change Turret For Lee Reloading Press

Lee Pro 1000 and Turret Press 3 Hole Quick Change Turret For Lee Reloading Press
Lee Reloading Press Accessory Lee Aluminum 3-hole Turret for quick caliber change for the Lee 3-Hole Turret Press and Lee Classic Turret Press. Allows for quick caliber change Used with Lee 3 Hole Turret Reloading Press and Lee Classic Turret Reloadi...

Lee Primer Pocket Cleaner

Lee Primer Pocket Cleaner
Double ended design cleans both large and small primer pockets. Primers can be fully seated for better accuracy and safety. Costs so little and works so well no reloader can afford to be without one. More Information HERE

Lee Precision Turret Press Update Kit 3 Hole to 4 Hole

Lee Precision Turret Press Update Kit 3 Hole to 4 Hole
The Lee Precision 3 Hole to 4-Hole Update Kit with Auto Index includes everything need to convert your Lee 3 -Hole Turret Press to the 4-position auto index Unit you also need to order the new ram (TA2269) if your press does not already auto index. T...

Lee Precision RGB Budget Reloading Dies

Lee Precision RGB Budget Reloading Dies
These top-quality reloading dies will last through thousands of rounds. They include full-length sizing reloading die and bullet seating reloading die. Compared to other reloading brands costing twice as much these reloading dies are a “Really Great ...

Lee Precision Resizing Lubricant Tube

Lee Precision Resizing Lubricant Tube
The perfect lubricant for sizing cartridge cases. Non stick water soluable wax base lubricant. Odorless non allergic and pleasant to use. If permitted to dry before use it completly eliminates dented cases a commmon problem with oil base lubricant. I...

Lee Precision Production Pot IV – 10lb Lead Capacity

Lee Precision Production Pot IV – 10lb Lead Capacity
Lee 10 lb. capacity lead pot with 500 watts of power that is thermostatically controlled. 2 clearance below pour spout. Only to be used in countries that use 220V as standard. Temperature regulation is not as effective as 110V Models. Our 220V meltin...

Lee Precision Pro 4 20lb Electric Lead Melter – 220v

Lee Precision Pro 4 20lb Electric Lead Melter – 220v
The Lee Precision Pro 4 features a large diameter high capacity pot holds approximately 20 pounds of lead. A generous 4 inches of clearance under the spout accepts all brands of bullet molds and most sinker molds. It also includes an adjustable mold ...
Calibre Innovations
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