This M1903A3, serial number 3720589, was manufactured by Remington Arms in June, 1943. It has its original barrel, date stamped April, 1943, along with the flaming cannonball military acceptance stamp and an “RA” for Remington Arms. All of the parts are stamped with a Remington “R” except the bolt sleeve, and rear swivel plate, which have no stamps. The stock is stamped RA-P, which was the cartouche of the Raritan Arsenal in New Jersey; this cartouche was stamped on M1903A3 stocks by the arsenal when new rifles were received and inspected, and also when they were rebuilt by the arsenal. The stock is stamped on the bottom with a “P” proof and the number 8.
The rifle is in nice condition. There are no cracks or splitting.
The bore has some frost throughout but the rifling appears sharp and the bore shines in reflected light.
Based on the shape of ends of the grooves (“fullers”), the bayonet appears to be an original 10” bayonet issued during WWII for the M1903, M1903A3, and M1 Garand, and not a 16” Springfield bayonet cut down to 10”. It is not dated. It is stamped with the Utica Cutlery company stamp “u. c.” along with a US military flaming cannonball acceptance stamp, and it comes with a nice M7 fiberglass scabbard.
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