This gun is in good overall condition with original grips. It works fine in double action. In Single action both hammer notches are worn out and wont hold. Bore is clean with good rifling. No license needed to buy .
This rifle's butt stock is marked USTF followed by a rack number # 1987. USTF stands for a Union des Sociétés Française de Tir, a French version of our CMP. The gun features sophisticated target sights that were undoubtedly designed for this specific...
Here we present an antique Belgian Mariette Brevette Ring Trigger Hammer Percussion Pepperbox. This firearm was made in the 1840s-50s in Liege, Belgium, known for centuries now as one of the foremost firearms capitals of the world. It was expressly m...
Here we present an antique British Brown Bess Flintlock Musket, Marked for the County Sligo Irish Militia, made in the late-18th Century. This militia was formed in the late-1790s and fought Napoleon’s forces in Spain in 1803. Overall condition is go...