For your consideration is a very nice looking, probably mid 1800's 12 ga English fowler in working condition. Tiger maple stock was stripped, stained with aqua fortis, burnished, and Danish oiled. It has a small crack on stock on LH side near lock bolt and also one near heel of butt stock. Stock is very solid for a back action rig. Lock works perfect, has half and full cock. Barely noticeable engraving showing on lock plate. Barrel is 24 inches long, has no dents, bluing is worn with minor pitting, mostly on bottom. Extended barrel tang and trigger guard add lots of strength to normally weak wrist area. Trigger guard and butt plate are steel. Barrel has a new wooden under-rib for ram rod. It has a front sight, but no rear sight. The upper tang screw worked well for a rear sight for me. The bore measures around .735" and is lightly pitted but fairly rust free. Barrel has some proof marks on bottom near breech (see pic), and has two silver inlays at breech I have seen on other English shotguns. Has German silver barrel wedge and plates, g.silver inlay and ornate g.silver trap door cap box on bottom, with a pewter nose cap. Checkering on the wrist is worn but still all there. Length overall is 45", length of pull is 14". This is a very lightweight gun, around 4 pounds. I had a veteran old school gunsmith/locksmith install a new nipple, and go over the entire gun with a fine tooth comb. Breech plug was removed, and threads are in very good condition. It needs nothing but a shooter or living room to decorate. Someone asked if I test fired this gun. I did. I shot about 15 rounds in a row through this recently. It did well at 50 yds once I figured out the sighting. I used 50 and 70 gr loads, .715" ball with .010" spit patch. It has some kick and points well. It was thoroughly flushed and lubed with bear oil. Buy with confidence. It is ready to go. Thanks for looking.
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