SCARCE NORFOLK US MODEL 1861 CONTRACT PERCUSSION MUSKET DATED 1862 This 1862 dated rifle-musket is a product of the Welch, Brown and Company of Norfolk, Connecticut where they produced around 18,000 longarms under U.S. government contract. Lockplate is strongly stamped with “U.S. / NORFOLK” under the bolster and is dated “1863” on the tail with a stamp of a spreadwinged eagle in front of the hammer. Breech area stamped with indistinct date on the top flat. Government proof marks “V / P / (Eagle Head)” on the side of breech. Original two-blade rear sight and the standard front sight with bayonet lug on muzzle. Buttplate marked with “U.S.”. CONDITION: Mechanics are crisp and strong. Musket has been cleaned and is mostly bright. Lock markings very good.
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