Model 1882 Maynard 2 barrel set: 22 center fire 23-3/4 inch rifle barrel with original Maynard barrel breech, professionally fitted and contoured like original Maynard barrel, bright and shiny like new bore (9.5+/10) with front sight, no rear dovetail (22 Hornet fits chamber well but recommended to be fired with caution, suggest working with black powder or low pressure smokeless loads), also original Maynard 26 inch 20 gauge black powder shotgun barrel (64 Maynard caliber smooth bore), decent shootable bore with light pitting (no rings or bulges), walnut sporter stock with some pleasing figure (solid wrist repair), hammer and trigger mechanism works correctly, hinge and lever lock up tight with both barrels, some upgrade replacement screws, includes new Lyman tang sight, also included is NOS empty 20 gauge brass shell which fits shotgun chamber perfectly. This scarce offering is an older restoration and pleasingly refinished 1880's vintage Maynard.
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