The condition of this 1877 French Charleville musket is Good+. (1) The barrel is 42.5” long browned/grey color with smooth finish. The barrel is better than average for this age musket. (2) The inside bore is very nice. It is bright and shiny with no significant pitting just light frosting . (3) The stock has been re-finished over the years. There are no significant gouges and no visible cracks. The fit on the stock is down and the lock plate and other metal fit is still very good. There are no visible proofs or markings on the wood . (4) The bands are still held in well by the springs. (5) There is lighter metal wear on most metal parts and they were cleaned up to a smoothened finish for the most part a long time ago. (6) The hammer function is strong. Two positions both strong. (7) The frizzen is loose and opens easy.
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