For sales are these beautiful European Cased Dueling Pistol Set Antique w/Accessories. They are a matched set of high quality pistols, identical in every way. The 5" Damascus, 32 caliber, octagon barrels still retain some figure and are rifled. The triggers and locks function as they should, including half cock; however, the hammer spring of one of the pistols needs repair or replacement. The lock and frame are color case hardened and still retain some color. The "Dolphin Head" hammers are engraved as well as the lock plate, trigger guard, frame and side plate. The pistol grip caps are cut to match the fluting of the pistol grip. Both pistols have a monogram plate behind the tang with the original owners initials. I can find no maker marks or proof marks on the guns, they had no additional information at the sale, but assumed they were European. The metal surfaces have all faded to a pleasant grey patina. The wood case contains a 32 cal. double cavity round ball mold, a nipple wrench, a double ended ram rod with one accessory (possibly a capper) missing. All the accessories appear to be old and original to the case.. The case has numerous scratches and chips but at one time would have been beautiful as it is double side veneered with matching wood.
I do not have no history of their origin; however, they are a cased matched set of high quality percussion pistols
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