Engraved Smith & Wesson No. 1 Third Issue Revolver. serial #11554, 22 RF, 3 3/16” ribbed round barrel with some pitting in the bore and evident rifling. The metal surfaces retain about 85% nickel finish that shows some flaking to mild gray-brown mostly along the high edges of the cylinder and sides of the barrel.
The engraving along the sides of the barrel and cylinder flats have softened somewhat from the refinishing though the embellishments along the frame remain intact and largely crisp.
The engraving is quite handsome antique period embellishment with nicely detailed flowing foliate scrollwork with fine punch-dot shading and light geometric bordering. The smooth rosewood grips remain in very good condition left and about good condition right. The right panel is properly stamp-numbered matching by serial number and the other numbered parts appear to be matching by assembly number.
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