This is an Ernest Bernard double barrel center-fire shotgun (EB crowned/proof marked barrels). Top rib is gold inlet with “E. BERNARD”.
The gun carries many punches of the proof house of Liege. (1) Spangled ELG in an oval - acceptance of 1846-1893. (2) M crowned
- counter mark of the controller 1852-77. (3) EL in cursive larger letters - provisional test mark 1852 to date. (4) Le Peron – inspection mark from 1853 to date. (5) There is the word “CANONNIER” stamped over the Liege oval stamp (we have seen this commonly on Liege guns). (6) Number “663” number stamped on barrel bottom rib.
This shotgun features: (1) Two side by side (juxtaposed) 16 gauge barrels 29-1/2” length in Damascus’s style twist steel. (2) Chambers are 2-1/2” long. (3) Walnut English style straight stock. (4) Locks are back action style with double hammers. (5) Barrel release is double key opening under-lever style (pictures). (6) Belgium style trigger guard with volutes. (7) The gun carries many punches of the proof house of Liege . (8) Nice deep cut engraved metal surfaces including hammers, tangs, trigger guard and locking lever. (9) Hammers have first cock sear safeties. (10) Curved double triggers. (11) Sling swivels.
The condition is Very Good: (1) Gun was shipped in the white. (2) Barrels show some darkening patina but are still smooth with no rust. (3) All action metal parts are still strong with sharp markings and in the white. (4) Stock has been lightly refinished with decent wood to metal fit with metal being lightly proud to the wood fit. The butt to stock fit is a more proud fit. (5) Left side hammer is broken off on top (picture). (6) The left chamber is 2-5/8” and the right chamber is 2-1/2”.
This is a real nice example of an early centerfire Belgium Liege double barrel shotgun by Ernest Bernard.
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