Here we have an Antique Winchester Model 1873 Saddle Ring Carbine, SN#269XXX, Manufactured in 1888. This SRC is a 44-40 / 44 WCF cal gun, the caliber that everyone wants! This is a true Western Gun which amazingly still retains it's dust cover, and has sat around a ranch for many years most likely. The action works properly, and rates good. The Bore has visible rifling, and moderate pitting throughout, as should be expected for a Black Powder firearm of its age, and especially Saddle Ring Carbine….as they saw much more hard use than rifles, generally speaking, due to their handy size. This one still has the correct Carbine rear sight, which are scarce. Wood is overall decent, and does have handling marrs and wear as should also be expected. Wood fit is great, and appears this was a carbine which left the factory with a rifle butt. Brass lifter block has some western gunsmithing marrs, as shown. There are 2 or 3 tiny screws missing, and could be replaced if someone wanted to do it, but this is how this one came. Overall a decent example of a Classic Western Long Gun which they say “won the West”
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