Antique Remington Model 1894 A Grade Hammerless Side-by-Side Shotgun,#102005, 10 ga; 32" solid rib browned damascus barrels have target beads, 2-7/8" chambers, and are choked approx. IC/MOD. Boxlock action uses dual under lugs plus rib extension for lockup and features double triggers, automatic safety, and simple extractors. The receiver and top tang are recently re-casehardened. The splinter forend and round knob long tang pistol grip buttstock are of "B" grade oil-finished walnut with a push-button forend release and original Remington gutta percha buttplate, with bottom 1-1/4" broken off. Stock dimensions are 14-1/8" x 1-1/8" x 3". Mfg'd 1895. Condition is very good as refurbished. The original wood appears to have been refinished, except for the checkering. The action works well, closes tight and functions correctly. The bores are bright with no evidence of pitting. Gun is quite heavy at almost 9 pounds.
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