Offered is a German Gewehr 88/05 Commission Rifle. This rifle was manufactured in 1890 by Loewe in Berlin, and arsenal updated in 1905 to accept conventional 8mm Mauser ammunition on stripper clips. Rifle does not have any Ottoman or Turkish markings on the receiver, but does have Turkish numbered sights and bolt. Stock is dark, but in very nice shape, with some wear in places. Original German stock markings remain, but are hard to make out. The metal finish on this rifle is worn and has developed a brownish patina in places. Bolt is still nice and bright. Upper barrel band is German unit marked, and middle barrel band has a canceled unit mark. Bolt functions smoothly. Bore is bright . This is an interesting variation of the Gewehr 88 Commission Rifle and with minimal Ottoman/Turkish markings, this would make a nice addition to any collection.
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