Fair condition antique French Mle 1890 Berthier Carbine in 8mm Lebel caliber. Receiver has Chatellerault Arsenal and model designation markings. Barrel is marked “MA C” for Chatellerault Arsenal and dated 1892. Carbine is in an Mle 1892 Musketoon stock and has an Mle M.16 5-shot magazine. Carbine is import marked on the barrel and has nonmatching numbers. Bolt is a Turk Forestry bent handle replacement. Mechanically needs work as the cocking piece has to be pulled back manually first to allow the bolt to open. Metal has brown and gray patina. Triggerguard and magazine have arsenal reblue finish.
Bore is poor, dark and pitted. Stock shows some wear and handling marks.
A tough to find antique Berthier Carbine in any condition.
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