Up for sale is a stunning antique 1860 Henry in .44rf. This is not a modern reproduction by Uberti or the modern Henry company. This original deluxe second model was made in late 1865 (December according to information I found) at the New Haven Arms factory and engraved at the factory on the receiver and buttplate by Samuel Hoggson. The rifle is fully silver plated on the buttplate, sling swivel, receiver, lever, barrel, sight, follower, screws, and loading sleeve. Serial numbers on the inside of the buttplate, lower left side of the receiver tang, and upper wrist of the inside of the stock all match the serial number visible on the top flat of the barrel. An assembly number is also located on the muzzle of the barrel under the loading sleeve. Everything functions as it should. The trigger spring appears to have been replaced. Per the previous owner, this rifle spent many decades wrapped in quilts in a cedar chest in his grandparent's house and had been in his family for at least 3 generations, but his family was not the original owner of the rifle.
Who could have afforded to purchase such a highly decorated and beautiful rifle originally remains a mystery.
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