This fine antique engraved Winchester Model 1873 lever action rifle was manufactured in 1890. The carbine has a standard 20” round barrel and full length magazine. The upper tang is factory drilled and tapped. The stock and forearm are straight grain American walnut with varnish finish. The stock has a standard carbine steel buttplate. The top barrel is roll-stamped with the two-line winchester address ahead of the rear sight. The caliber is ".38-40W.C.F." is roll-stamped on the top of the barrel between the rear sight and the receiver, a rare caliber in the 1873 carbine model. The upper receiver tang is roll-stamped: “-MODEL 1873-”. Deep engraved with beautiful scrolls. The bore and riflings are okay but shows wear with pitting, no bulges or rings. Mechanically excellent, sometimes you have to cycle the lever all the way forward to push the hammer to cock position, and the dust cover is a-little loose at close. Comes with research letter from the Cody Firearm museum. It shows that this Winchester left the factory August 5th 1890 and left as a Carbine chambered in .38. Overall a great looking antique winchester that would fit greatly in any collection.
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