This is an antique 12 gauge American made fowler with a 42" round shotgun barrel. The wood stock is in excellent condition.
It has a ornate scalloped butt plate and steel trigger guard and a German silver entrance thimble. The barrel has been fitted with a full length steel under rib with two steel thimbles and a steel ram rod. German silver wedge pin excusions and an engraved, back action lock .
The iron metal finish has an aged mottled grey patina (see photos). This smooth bore has a 42" barrel and from what I can see, has a decent bore with a shotgun bead sight at the muzzle and a 14" LOP and is 56" over all. The unmarked, lock function perfectly (including half cock) and has a strong hammer spring.
It is difficult to date the lock or tell the guns manufacture but everything on the gun appears to have been unaltered from the original and is period correct.
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