A nice percussion single shot pistol in .65 caliber made by FENTON in London, England. The round barrel is 8-1/4 inches long Dolphin style hammer along with some nice engraving at that same place. The overall length is 13 -1/4". The bore looks good. There is a very sturdy metal ramrod in a barrel type sleeve and shotgun style bead front sight. The FENTON name is engraved on the lock and "LONDON" is engraved on the barrel top. The lock, hammer, trigger guard and barrel tang are also finely engraved. There is a full walnut stock with a few stress cracks. The silver escutcheon plate on the top of the grip is unmarked. The action is strong and the hammer holds at full and half cock. All metal edges are sharp . The overall condition of this piece should be rated as FINE. An "R .FENTON" had a shop in London and made pistols from 1780 to 1830.
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