Up for sale is an antique black powder percussion rifle in about 41 caliber. Octagon barrel measures 31 ½" in length to the nipple bolster with a moderately bright, frosted bore with fine pitting and visible rifling. Metal surfaces have mostly toned to shades of brown patina with streaks of gray, handling marks, high edge wear, freckled staining and some fine pinprick pitting. Wood stock is dark from age and features checkering on either side of the wrist along with scattered scratches and marks and a large repair to the lower ? of the butt. Barrel has no provisions for iron sights and a prior owner has installed a more modern folding tang sight to the upper tang. Barrel tapers from 1.182" just ahead of the nipple down to about .785" at the muzzle and there is a faint halo or ring on the muzzle face that is possibly evidence of a sleeve or insert being installed. Lock is marked “A. Koppikus”. Rifle features double triggers with the rear being a set, hammer holds when cocked but only releases if the set trigger has been engaged. Koppikus was California maker from what we can find, active during the mid-1800's. ANTIQUE
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